Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 103, August 6, 1892 by Various
page 1 of 43 (02%)
page 1 of 43 (02%)
OR THE LONDON CHARIVARI. VOL. 103. August 6, 1892. DRURIOLANUS IN (MUSIC) AULIS. The Augustan Age is to be revived at the new Palace Theatre of Varieties, late CARTE's English Opera House, for two of the imperial name of AUGUSTUS are foremost among the Directors of this new enterprise--which word "enterprise" is preferable to "undertaking." Sir AUGUSTUS leads; and GEORGIUS AUGUSTUS follows in the cast as Second Director,--with or without song is not mentioned. In comparison with this transformation of an Opera House into a Theatre of Varieties, no political combination of any sort or kind, no change either in the Ministry or in our home or foreign policy, is so likely to cause trouble to The Empire; i.e., the Empire in Leicester Square. [Illustration: "AFTER THE OP'RA IS OVER." Sir Augustus Coventgardenensis, the Singing-Bird Showman, bows his Acknowledgments.] |