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McGuffey's Fifth Eclectic Reader by William Holmes McGuffey
page 110 of 432 (25%)
Reynolds. His writings are noted for their purity, grace, and fluency. His
fame as a poet is secured by "The Traveler," and "The Deserted Village;"
as a dramatist, by "She Stoops to Conquer;" and as a novelist, by "The
Vicar of Wakefield." His reckless extravagance always kept him in
financial difficulty, and he died heavily in debt. His monument is in
Westminster Abbey.

1. Good people all, with one accord,
Lament for Madam Blaize,
Who never wanted a good word--
From those who spoke her praise.

2. The needy seldom passed her door,
And always found her kind;
She freely lent to all the poor--
Who left a pledge behind.

3. She strove the neighborhood to please,
With manner wondrous winning:
She never followed wicked ways--
Unless when she was sinning.

4. At church, in silks and satin new,
With hoop of monstrous size,
She never slumbered in her pew--
But when she shut her eyes.

5. Her love was sought, I do aver,
By twenty beaux and more;
The king himself has followed her
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