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McGuffey's Fifth Eclectic Reader by William Holmes McGuffey
page 111 of 432 (25%)
When she has walked before.

6. But now, her wealth and finery fled,
Her hangers-on cut short all,
Her doctors found, when she was dead--
Her last disorder mortal.

7. Let us lament, in sorrow sore;
For Kent Street well may say,
That, had she lived a twelvemonth more--
She had not died to-day.

DEFINITIONS.--1. Ac-cord', agreement of opinion, consent. 2. Pledge,
personal property delivered to another as a security for a debt. 6.
Hang'ers-on, followers. Mor'tal, destructive to life.


King Charles. Well, friend William! I have sold you a noble province in
North America; but still, I suppose you have no thoughts of going thither

Penn. Yes, I have, I assure thee, friend Charles; and I am just come to
bid thee farewell.

K.C. What! venture yourself among the savages of North America! Why, man,
what security have you that you will not be in their war kettle in two
hours after setting foot on their shores?
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