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McGuffey's Fifth Eclectic Reader by William Holmes McGuffey
page 112 of 432 (25%)

P. The best security in the world.

K.C. I doubt that, friend William; I have no idea of any security against
those cannibals but in a regiment of good soldiers, with their muskets and
bayonets. And mind, I tell you beforehand, that, with all my good will for
you and your family, to whom I am under obligations, I will not send a
single soldier with you.

P. I want none of thy soldiers, Charles: I depend on something better than
thy soldiers.

K.C. Ah! what may that be?

P. Why, I depend upon themselves; on the working of their own hearts; on
their notions of justice; on their moral sense.

K.C. A fine thing, this same moral sense, no doubt; but I fear you will
not find much of it among the Indians of North America.

P. And why not among them as well as others?

K.C. Because if they had possessed any, they would not have treated my
subjects so barbarously as they have done.

P. That is no proof of the contrary, friend Charles. Thy subjects
were the aggressors. When thy subjects first went to North
America, they found these poor people the fondest and kindest
creatures in the world. Every day they would watch for them to
come ashore, and hasten to meet them, and feast them on the best
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