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McGuffey's Fifth Eclectic Reader by William Holmes McGuffey
page 113 of 432 (26%)
fish, and venison, and corn, which were all they had. In return for
this hospitality of the savages, as we call them, thy subjects,
termed Christians, seized on their country and rich hunting
grounds for farms for themselves. Now, is it to be wondered at,
that these much-injured people should have been driven to
desperation by such injustice; and that, burning with revenge, they
should have committed some excesses?

K C. Well, then, I hope you will not complain when they come to treat you
in the same manner.

P. I am not afraid of it.

K.C. Ah! how will you avoid it? You mean to get their hunting grounds,
too, I suppose?

P. Yes, but not by driving these poor people away from them.

K.C. No, indeed? How then will you get their lands?

P. I mean to buy their lands of them.

K.C. Buy their lands of them? Why, man, you have already bought them of

P. Yes, I know I have, and at a dear rate, too; but I did it only to get
thy good will, not that I thought thou hadst any right to their lands.

K.C. How, man? no right to their lands?

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