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McGuffey's Fifth Eclectic Reader by William Holmes McGuffey
page 150 of 432 (34%)
5. For a time the scudding rack and mist and the sheeted rain almost hid
the landscape from the sight. There was a fearful gloom, illumined still
more fearfully by the streams of lightning which glittered among the
raindrops. Never had Dolph beheld such an absolute warring of the
elements; it seemed as if the storm was tearing and rending its way
through the mountain defile, and had brought all the artillery of heaven
into action.

DEFINITIONS.--1. Lan'guor (pro. lang'gwer), exhaustion of strength,
dullness. 3. Re-marked', noticed, observed. Pred-e-ces'-sor, the one going
immediately before. Clam'or-ous-ly, with a loud noise. 4. Bel'ly-ing,
swelling out. De-file', a long, narrow pass. 5. Rack, thin, flying, broken
clouds. El'e-ments, a term usually including fire, water, earth, and air.

NOTES.--1. The Highlands are a mountainous region in New York, bordering
the Hudson River above Peekskill.

2. The Dunderberg and Antony's Nose are names of two peaks of the

4. Bull Hill, also called Mt. Taurus, is 15 miles farther north.


Caroline Anne Southey (b. 1786, d.1854), the second wife of Southey the
poet, and better known as Caroline Bowles, was born near Lymington,
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