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McGuffey's Fifth Eclectic Reader by William Holmes McGuffey
page 151 of 432 (34%)
Hampshire, England. Her first work, "Ellen Fitzarthur," a poem, was
published in 1820; and for more than twenty years her writings were
published anonymously. In 1839 she was married to Mr. Southey, and
survived him over ten years. Her poetry is graceful in expression, and
full of tenderness, though somewhat melancholy. The following extract
first appeared in 1822 in a collection entitled, "The Widow's Tale, and
other Poems."

1. All day the low-hung clouds have dropped
Their garnered fullness down;
All day that soft, gray mist hath wrapped
Hill, valley, grove, and town.

2. There has not been a sound to-day
To break the calm of nature;
Nor motion, I might almost say,
Of life or living creature;

3. Of waving bough, or warbling bird,
Or cattle faintly lowing;
I could have half believed I heard
The leaves and blossoms growing.

4. I stood to hear--I love it well--
The rain's continuous sound;
Small drops, but thick and fast they fell,
Down straight into the ground.

5. For leafy thickness is not yet
Earth's naked breast to screen,
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