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McGuffey's Fifth Eclectic Reader by William Holmes McGuffey
page 16 of 432 (03%)
REMARK 2.--The teacher should bear it in mind that in correcting a fault
there is always danger of erring in the opposite extreme. Properly
speaking, there is no danger of learning to articulate too distinctly, but
there is danger of making the obscure sounds too prominent, and of reading
in a slow, measured, and unnatural manner.

RULE IV.--Utter distinctly the terminating subvocals and aspirates.


Incorrect Correct Incorrect Correct
--------- ------- --------- -------
An' and Mos' mosque
ban' band near-es' near-est
moun' mound wep' wept
mor-nin' morn-ing ob-jec' ob-ject
des' desk sub-jec sub-ject

REMARK 1.--This omission is still more likely to occur when several
consonants come together.


Incorrect Correct Incorrect Correct
--------- -------- --------- ----------
Thrus' thrusts Harms' harm'st
beace beasts wrongs' wrong'st
thinks' thinkst twinkles' twinkl'dst
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