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McGuffey's Fifth Eclectic Reader by William Holmes McGuffey
page 17 of 432 (03%)
weps' weptst black'ns black'n'dst

REMARK 2.--In all cases of this kind these sounds are omitted, in the
first instance, merely because they are difficult, and require care and
attention for their utterance, although after a while it becomes a habit.
The only remedy is to devote that care and attention which may be
necessary. There is no other difficulty, unless there should be a defect
in the organs of speech, which is not often the case.

RULE V.--A void blending syllables which belong to different words.


---------- ------------
He ga-zdupon. He gazed upon.
Here res tsis sed. Here rests his head.
Whattis sis sname? What is his name?
For ranninstantush. For an instant hush.
Ther ris sa calm, There is a calm.
For tho stha tweep. For those that weep.
God sglorou simage. God's glorious image.


This exercise and similar ones will afford valuable aid in training the
organs to a distinct articulation.

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