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McGuffey's Fifth Eclectic Reader by William Holmes McGuffey
page 18 of 432 (04%)
Every vice fights against nature.
Folly is never pleased with itself.
Pride, not nature, craves much.
The little tattler tittered at the tempest.
Titus takes the petulant outcasts.
The covetous partner is destitute of fortune.
No one of you knows where the shoe pinches.
What can not be cured must be endured.
You can not catch old birds with chaff.
Never sport with the opinions of others.
The lightnings flashed, the thunders roared.
His hand in mine was fondly clasped.
They cultivated shrubs and plants.
He selected his texts with great care.
His lips grow restless, and his smile is curled half into scorn.
Wisdom's ways are ways of pleasantness.
O breeze, that waftst me on my way!
Thou boast'st of what should be thy shame.
Life's fitful fever over, he rests well.
Canst thou fill his skin with barbed irons?
From star to star the living lightnings flash.
And glittering crowns of prostrate seraphim.
That morning, thou that slumber'd'st not before.
Habitual evils change not on a sudden.
Thou waft'd'st the rickety skiffs over the cliffs.
Thou reef'd'st the haggled, shipwrecked sails.
The honest shepherd's catarrh.
The heiress in her dishabille is humorous.
The brave chevalier behaves like a conservative.
The luscious notion of champagne and precious sugar.
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