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McGuffey's Fifth Eclectic Reader by William Holmes McGuffey
page 198 of 432 (45%)

6. The last moment was up. The prisoner took his place, the cap was drawn
over his eyes, the bolt was drawn, and a lifeless body swung revolving in
the wind. Just at that moment a horseman came into sight, galloping down
hill, his steed covered with foam. He carried a packet in his right hand,
which he waved frantically to the crowd. He was the express rider with the
reprieve; but he came too late. A comparatively innocent man had died an
ignominious death because a watch had been five minutes too late, making
its bearer arrive behind time.

7. It is continually so in life. The best laid plans, the most important
affairs, the fortunes of individuals, the weal of nations, honor,
happiness, life itself, are daily sacrificed, because somebody is "behind
time." There are men who always fail in whatever they undertake, simply
because they are "behind time." There are others who put off reformation
year after year, till death seizes them, and they perish unrepentant,
because forever "behind time."

DEFINITIONS.--1. Col-li'sion, the act of striking together violently. 2.
Pre-cip'i-tat-ed, urged on violently. Re-en-force'ments, additional
troops. 3. Corps (pro. kor), a body of troops. Re-serve', a select body of
troops held back in case of special need for their services. 4.
Bank'rupt-cy. inability to pay all debts, insolvency. Re-mit'tanc-es,
mouey, drafts, etc., sent from a distance. Ma-tur'ing, approaching the
time fixed for payment. 5. Prov-o-ca'tion, that which causes anger. 6.
Ig-no-min'i-ous, infamous. 7. Weal, prosperity, happiness.

NOTES.--3. Emmanuel Grouchy was one of Napoleon's marshals at the battle
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