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McGuffey's Fifth Eclectic Reader by William Holmes McGuffey
page 199 of 432 (46%)
of Waterloo, fought in 1815 between the French under Napoleon, and the
English, Dutch, and German troops under Wellington.

Napoleon Bonaparte (b. 1769, d. 1821) was born on the island of Corsica.
At school he was "studious, well-behaved, and distinguished in
mathematical studies." In 1785 he was commissioned as a sublieutenant in
the army. From this obscure position he raised himself to the head of the
army, and in 1804 was elected emperor of the French. He is almost
universally acknowledged to have been the greatest general the world has


1. Out of the way, in a corner
Of our dear old attic room,
Where bunches of herbs from the hillside
Shake ever a faint perfume,
An oaken chest is standing,
With hasp and padlock and key,
Strong as the hands that made it
On the other side of the sea.

2. When the winter days are dreary,
And we're out of heart with life,
Of its crowding cares aweary,
And sick of its restless strife,
We take a lesson in patience
From the attic corner dim,
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