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McGuffey's Fifth Eclectic Reader by William Holmes McGuffey
page 210 of 432 (48%)
Squire. Stop, stop, young man. We must have your presence. Good morning,
gentlemen; you are early on the ground.

Cur. I hope the Squire is well to-day.

Squire. Pretty comfortable, for an invalid.

Swipes. I trust the damp air has not affected your lungs again.

Squire. No, I believe not. But, since the heirs at law are all convened, I
shall now proceed to open the last will and testament of your deceased
relative, according to law.

Swipes. [While the SQUIRE is breaking the seal,] It is a trying thing to
leave all one's possessions, Squire; in this manner.

Cur. It really makes me feel melancholy when I look around and see
everything but the venerable owner of these goods. Well did the Preacher
say, "All is vanity."

Squire. Please to be seated, gentlemen. [He puts on his spectacles and
begins to read slowly.] "Imprirmis; whereas, my nephew, Francis
Millington, by his disobedience and ungrateful conduct, has shown himself
unworthy of my bounty, and incapable of managing my large estate, I do
hereby give and bequeath all my houses, farms, stocks, bonds, moneys, and
property, both personal and real, to my dear cousins, Samuel Swipes, of
Malt Street, brewer, and Christopher Currie, of Fly Court, saddler." [The
SQUIRE here takes off his spectacles, and begins to wipe them very

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