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McGuffey's Fifth Eclectic Reader by William Holmes McGuffey
page 211 of 432 (48%)
Swipes. Generous creature! kind soul! I always loved her!

Cur. She was good, she was kind;--and, brother Swipes, when we divide, I
think I'll take the mansion house.

Swipes. Not so fast, if you please, Mr. Currie. My wife has long had her
eye upon that, and must have it.

Cur. There will be two words to that bargain, Mr. Swipes. And, besides, I
ought to have the first choice. Did I not lend her a new chaise every time
she wished to ride? And who knows what influence--

Swipes. Am I not named first in her will? and did I not furnish her with
my best small beer for more than six months? And who knows--

Frank. Gentlemen, I must leave you. [Going.] Squire. [Putting on his
spectacles very deliberately.] Pray, gentlemen, keep your seats, I have
not done yet. Let me see; where was I? Ay, "All my property, both personal
and real, to my dear cousins, Samuel Swipes, of Malt Street, brewer,"--

Swipes. Yes!

Squire. "And Christopher Currie, of Fly Court, saddler,"

Cur. Yes!

Squire. "To have and to hold, IN TRUST, for the sole and exclusive benefit
of my nephew, Francis Millington, until he shall have attained the age of
twenty-one years, by which time I hope he will have so far reformed his
evil habits, as that he may safely be intrusted with the large fortune
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