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McGuffey's Fifth Eclectic Reader by William Holmes McGuffey
page 212 of 432 (49%)
which I hereby bequeath to him."

Swipes. What is all this? You don't mean that we are humbugged? In trust!
How does that appear? Where is it?

Squire. There; in two words of as good old English as I ever penned.

Cur. Pretty well, too, Mr. Squire, if we must be sent for to be made a
laughingstock of. She shall pay for every ride she has had out of my
chaise, I promise you.

Swipes. And for every drop of my beer. Fine times, if two sober,
hard-working citizens are to be brought here to be made the sport of a
graceless profligate. But we will manage his property for him, Mr. Currie;
we will make him feel that trustees are not to be trifled with.

Cur. That we will.

Squire. Not so fast, gentlemen; for the instrument is dated three years
ago; and the young gentleman must be already of age, and able to take care
of himself. Is it not so, Francis?

Frank. It is, your worship. Squire. Then, gentlemen, having attended to
the breaking of the seal, according to law, you are released from any
further trouble about the business.

DEFINITIONS.--Dis-po-si'tion, disposal. Grace'less, depraved, corrupt.
Rep'ro-bate, one morally lost. Lack'ey, an attending servant, a footman.
De-ceased', dead. Con-vened', met together, assembled. Im-pri'mis (Latin),
in the first place. Chaise (pro. shaz), a kind of two-wheeled carriage.
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