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McGuffey's Fifth Eclectic Reader by William Holmes McGuffey
page 26 of 432 (06%)
with their answers, generally require the falling inflection.


Where has he gone'? Ans. To New York'.
What has he done'? Ans. Nothing'.
Who did this'? Ans. I know not'.
When did he go'? Ans. Yesterday'.

REMARK.--It these questions are repeated, the inflection is changed
according to the principle stated under the Exception to Rule VII.


RULE IX.--Where a pause is rendered proper by the meaning, and the sense
is incomplete, the rising inflection is generally required.


To endure slander and abuse with meekness' requires no ordinary degree of

Night coming on', both armies retired from the field of battle'.

As a dog returneth to his vomit', so a fool returneth to his folly'.

REMARK.--The person or object addressed, in ordinary conversation, comes
under this head.
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