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McGuffey's Fifth Eclectic Reader by William Holmes McGuffey
page 27 of 432 (06%)


Fathers'! we once again are met in council.

My lords'! and gentlemen'! we have arrived at an awful crisis.

Age'! thou art shamed.

Rome'! thou hast lost the breed of noble bloods!

Exception.--Where a word which, according to this rule, requires the
rising inflection, becomes emphatic, it generally has the falling
inflec-tion; as, when a child addresses his father, he first says,
Father'! but if he repeats it emphatically, he changes the inflection, and
says, Father'! Father'! The falling inflection is also used in formal
address; as, Fellow--citizens', Mr. President', etc.


When we aim at a high standard, if we do not attain' it, we shall secure a
high degree of excellence.

Those who mingle with the vicious, if they do not become depraved', will
lose all delicacy of feeling.

RULE X.--Questions which may be answered by yes or no, generally require
the rising, and their answers the falling inflection.

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