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McGuffey's Fifth Eclectic Reader by William Holmes McGuffey
page 5 of 432 (01%)
23. King Charles II. and William Penn Mason L. Weems.
24. What I Live For
25. The Righteous Never Forsaken
26. Abou Ben Adhem Leigh Hunt.
27. Lucy Forrester John Wilson.
28. The Reaper and the Flowers. Longfellow.
29. The Town Pump Hawthorne.
30. Good Night Peter Parley.
31. An Old-fashioned Girl Louisa M. Alcott.
32. My Mother's Hands
33. The Discontented Pendulum. Jane Taylor.
34. The Death of the Flowers Bryant.
35. The Thunderstorm Irving.
36. April Day Mrs. C. A. Southey.
37. The Tea Rose
38. The Cataract of Lodore Southey.
39. The Bobolink Irving.
40. Robert of Lincoln Bryant.
41. Rebellion in Massachusetts State Prison J. T. Buckingham.
42. Faithless Nelly Gray Hood.
43. The Generous Russian Peasant Nikolai Karamzin.
44. Forty Years Ago
45. Mrs. Caudle's Lecture Douglas Jerrold.
46. The Village Blacksmith Longfellow.
47. The Relief of Lucknow "London Times."
48. The Snowstorm Thomson.
49. Behind Time
50. The Old Sampler Mrs. M. E. Sangster.
51. The Goodness of God Bible.
52. My Mother
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