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McGuffey's Fifth Eclectic Reader by William Holmes McGuffey
page 6 of 432 (01%)
53. The Hour of Prayer Mrs. F. D. Hemans.
54. The Will
55. The Nose and the Eyes Cowper.
56. An Iceberg L. L. Noble.
57. About Quail W. P. Hawes.
58. The Blue and the Gray F. M. Finch.
59. The Machinist's Return Washington "Capital."
60. Make Way for Liberty James Montgomery.
61. The English Skylark Elihu Burritt.
62. How Sleep the Brave William Collins.
63. The Rainbow John Keble.
64. Supposed Speech of John Adams Daniel Webster.
65. The Rising T. R. Read.
66. Control your Temper Dr. John Todd.
67. William Tell Sheridan Knowles.
68. William Tell Sheridan Knowles.
69. The Crazy Engineer
70. The Heritage Lowell.
71. No Excellence without Labor William Wirt.
72. The Old House Clock
73. The Examination. D. P. Thompson.
74. The Isle of Long Ago B. F. Taylor.
75. The Boston Massacre Bancroft.
76. Death of the Beautiful Mrs. E. L. Follen.
77. Snow Falling J. J. Piatt.
78. Squeers's Method Dickens.
79. The Gift of Empty Hands Mrs. S. M. B. Piatt.
80. Capturing the Wild Horse Irving.
81. Sowing and Reaping Adelaide Anne Procter.
82. Taking Comfort Whittier.
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