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McGuffey's Fifth Eclectic Reader by William Holmes McGuffey
page 7 of 432 (01%)
83. Calling the Roll Shepherd.
84. Turtle Soup C. F. Briggs.
85. The Best Kind of Revenge
86. The Soldier of the Rhine Mrs. C. E. S. Norton.
87. The Winged Worshipers Charles Sprague.
88. The Peevish Wife Maria Edgeworth.
89. The Rainy Day Longfellow.
90. Break, Break, Break Tennyson.
91. Transportation and Planting of Seeds H. D. Thoreau.
92. Spring Again Mrs. Celia Thaxter.
93. Religion the only Basis of Society W. E. Channing.
94. Rock Me to Sleep Mrs. E. A. Allen.
95. Man and the Inferior Animals Jane Taylor.
96. The Blind Men and the Elephant J. G. Saxe.
97. A Home Scene D. G. Mitchell.
98. The Light of Other Days Moore.
99. A Chase in the English Channel Cooper.
100. Burial of Sir John Moore Charles Wolfe.
101. Little Victories Harriet Martineau.
102. The Character of a Happy Life Sir Henry Wotton.
103. The Art of Discouragement Arthur Helps.
104. The Mariner's Dream William Dimond.
105. The Passenger Pigeon Audubon.
106. The Country Life R. H. Stoddard.
107. The Virginians Thackeray.
108. Minot's Ledge Fitz-James O'Brien.
109. Hamlet. Shakespeare.
110. Dissertation on Roast Pig Charles Lamb.
111. A Pen Picture William Black.
112. The Great Voices C. T. Brooks.
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