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McGuffey's Fifth Eclectic Reader by William Holmes McGuffey
page 77 of 432 (17%)
appear. 19. Ex-pe'ri-ence, knowledge gained by actual trial. 23.
In-teg'ri-ty, honesty. Leg'a-cy, a gift, by will, of personal property.


Eliza Cook (b. 1817, d. 1889) was born at London. In 1837 she commenced
contributing to periodicals. In 1840 the first collection of her poems was
made. In 1849 she became editor of "Eliza Cook's Journal."

1. Work, work, my boy, be not afraid;
Look labor boldly in the face;
Take up the hammer or the spade,
And blush not for your humble place.

2. There's glory in the shuttle's song;
There's triumph in the anvil's stroke;
There's merit in the brave and strong
Who dig the mine or fell the oak.

3. The wind disturbs the sleeping lake,
And bids it ripple pure and fresh;
It moves the green boughs till they make
Grand music in their leafy mesh.

4. And so the active breath of life
Should stir our dull and sluggard wills;
For are we not created rife
With health, that stagnant torpor kills?
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