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McGuffey's Fifth Eclectic Reader by William Holmes McGuffey
page 78 of 432 (18%)

5. I doubt if he who lolls his head
Where idleness and plenty meet,
Enjoys his pillow or his bread
As those who earn the meals they eat.

6. And man is never half so blest
As when the busy day is spent
So as to make his evening rest
A holiday of glad content.

DEFINITIONS.--3. Mesh, network. 4. Rife, abounding. Stag'nant, inactive.
2. Tor'por, laziness, stupidity. 5. Lolls, reclines, leans.


1. A gentleman who had traveled in Europe, relates that he one day visited
the hospital of Berlin, where he saw a man whose exterior was very
striking. His figure, tall and commanding, was bending with age, but more
with sorrow; the few scattered hairs which remained on his temples were
white almost as the driven snow, and the deepest melancholy was depicted
in his countenance.

2. On inquiring who he was and what brought him there, he started, as, if
from sleep, and, after looking around him, began with slow and measured
steps to stride the hall, repeating in a low but audible voice, "Once one
is two; once one is two."
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