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McGuffey's Fifth Eclectic Reader by William Holmes McGuffey
page 80 of 432 (18%)
accounts, he was a long time silent; then suddenly awaking, as if from a
trance, he repeated, "Once one is two."

8. He appeared to be entirely insensible of his situation; would neither
eat nor drink, unless solicited; and took notice of nothing that passed
around him. While repeating his accustomed phrase, if anyone corrected him
by saying, "Once one is one," his attention was arrested for a moment, and
he said, "Ah, right, once one is one;" and then resuming his walk, he
continued to repeat, "Once one is two." He died shortly after the traveler
left Berlin.

9. This affecting story, whether true or untrue, obviously abounds with
lessons of instruction. Alas! how easily is the human mind thrown off its
balance; especially when it is stayed on this world only, and has no
experimental knowledge of the meaning of the injunction of Scripture, to
cast all our cares upon Him who careth for us, and who heareth even the
young ravens when they cry.

DEFINITIONS.--1. Ex-te'ri-or, outward appearance. De-pict'ed, painted,
represented. 3. Con-tem-pla'tion, continued attention of the mind to one
subject. 4. Rev'e-nues, the annual income from taxes, public rents, etc.
Scru'pu-lous-ly, carefully. As-sid'u-ous, constant in attention.
Fi-nance', the income of a ruler or a state. Def'i-cit, lack, want.
Duc'at, a gold coin worth about $2.00. 6. De-fault'er, one who fails to
account for public money intrusted to his care. 9. Ob'vi-ous-ly, plainly.
In-junc'tion, a command.

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