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McGuffey's Fifth Eclectic Reader by William Holmes McGuffey
page 81 of 432 (18%)

William Allingham (b. 1828, d. 1889) was born at Ballyshannon, Ireland.
His father was a banker, and gave him a good education in Irish schools.
He showed his literary tastes at an early date, contributing to
periodicals, etc. In 1850 he published his first volume of poems; in 1854
his "Day and Night Songs" appeared, and in 1864 a poem in twelve chapters
entitled "Lawrence Bloomfield in Ireland," His reputation was established
chiefly through his shorter lyrics, or ballad poetry. In 1864 he received
a literary pension.

1. Good-by, good-by to Summer!
For Summer's nearly done;
The garden smiling faintly,
Cool breezes in the sun;
Our thrushes now are silent,
Our swallows flown away,--
But Robin's here in coat of brown,
And scarlet brestknot gay.
Robin, Robin Redbreast,
O Robin dear!
Robin sings so sweetly
In the falling of the year.

2. Bright yellow, red, and orange,
The leaves come down in hosts;
The trees are Indian princes,
But soon they'll turn to ghosts;
The leathery pears and apples
Hang russet on the bough;
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