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McGuffey's Fifth Eclectic Reader by William Holmes McGuffey
page 82 of 432 (18%)
It's autumn, autumn, autumn late,
'T will soon be winter now.
Robin, Robin Redbreast,
O Robin dear!
And what will this poor Robin do?
For pinching days are near.

3. The fireside for the cricket,
The wheat stack for the mouse,
When trembling night winds whistle
And moan all round the house.
The frosty ways like iron,
The branches plumed with snow,--
Alas! in winter dead and dark,
Where can poor Robin go?
Robin, Robin Redbreast,
O Robin dear!
And a crumb of bread for Robin,
His little heart to cheer.

Note.--The Old World Robin here referred to is quite different in
appearance and habits from the American Robin. It is only about half the
size of the latter. Its prevailing color above is olive green, while the
forehead, cheeks, throat, and breast are a light yellowish red. It does
not migrate, but is found at all seasons throughout temperate Europe, Asia
Minor, and northern Africa.

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