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McGuffey's Fifth Eclectic Reader by William Holmes McGuffey
page 88 of 432 (20%)

DEFINITIONS.--1. Trow, to think, to believe. Trap'pings, ornanents. 2.
Im'be-cile, one who is feeble either in body or mind. 3. In-ter-vened',
were situated between. 4. Mus'ing, thinking in an absent-minded way.
Con'quests, triumphs, successes. Tint'ings slight colorings. 5. Sti'fled,
choked, suppressed.

REMARK.--Avoid reading this piece in a monotonous style. Try to express
the actual feeling of each quotation; and enter into the descriptions with


1. In the city of Bath, not many years since, lived a barber who made a
practice of following his ordinary occupation on the Lord's day. As he was
on the way to his morning's employment, he happened to look into some
place of worship just as the minister was giving out his text--"Remember
the Sabbath day, to keep it holy." He listened long enough to be convinced
that he was constantly breaking the laws of God and man by shaving and
dressing his customers on the Lord's day. He became uneasy, and went with
a heavy heart to his Sabbath task.

2. At length he took courage, and opened his mind to his minister, who
advised him to give up Sabbath work, and worship God. He replied that
beggary would be the consequence. He had a flourishing trade, but it would
almost all be lost. At length, after many a sleepless night spent in
weeping and praying, he was determined to cast all his care upon God, as
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