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McGuffey's Fifth Eclectic Reader by William Holmes McGuffey
page 89 of 432 (20%)
the more he reflected, the more his duty became apparent.

3. He discontinued his Sabbath work, went constantly and early to the
public services of religion, and soon enjoyed that satisfaction of mind
which is one of the rewards of doing our duty, and that peace which the
world can neither give nor take away. The consequences he foresaw actually
followed. His genteel customers left him, and he was nicknamed "Puritan"
or "Methodist." He was obliged to give up his fashionable shop, and, in
the course of years, became so reduced as to take a cellar under the old
market house and shave the poorer people.

4. One Saturday evening, between light and dark, a stranger from one of
the coaches, asking for a barber, was directed by the hostler to the
cellar opposite. Coming in hastily, he requested to be shaved quickly,
while they changed horses, as he did not like to violate the Sabbath. This
was touching the barber on a tender chord. He burst into tears; asked the
stranger to lend him a half-penny to buy a candle, as it was not light
enough to shave him with safety. He did so, revolving in his mind the
extreme poverty to which the poor man must be reduced.

5. When shaved, he said, "There must be something extraordinary in your
history, which I have not now time to hear. Here is half a crown for you.
When I return, I will call and investigate your case. What is your name?"
"William Reed," said the astonished barber. "William Reed?" echoed the
stranger: "William Reed? by your dialect you are from the West." "Yes,
sir, from Kingston, near Taunton." "William Reed from Kingston, near
Taunton? What was your father's name?" "Thomas." "Had he any brother?"
"Yes, sir, one, after whom I was named; but he went to the Indies, and, as
we never heard from him, we supposed him to be dead."

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