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David Lockwin—The People's Idol by John McGovern
page 128 of 249 (51%)
coal--blest if they didn't! Stay all night, puss. Or go home, if you
want to be there."

"Wind blows like sixty!" says the old Chicagoan, after Esther has gone.

The mother harkens. She goes to the window.

"Is that the lake?" she asks.

"Yes; it's too late in the year for David to be on any boat."

The wife of David Lockwin cannot sleep. She cannot even write another
letter. "How happy are lovers who may write to each other!" she says.
The gale rises and she waits. It is midnight and David is not home.
Now, if he should arrive, he would probably keep his state-room until

She awakes at daylight. She dons a wrapper and creeps to the front
door. There are the morning papers. She scans every paragraph. Ah!
here is David!

"NIAGARA FALLS, Oct. 16.--Congressman Lockwin left here to-day for Owen
Sound, on Georgian Bay."

Georgian Bay! Where is that? She seeks the library. She finds a map.
Georgian Bay! Perhaps David has some lumber interest there.

The paper is scanned again. Owen Sound, Owen Sound. She is reading
the marine intelligence. Yes, here is Owen Sound.

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