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David Lockwin—The People's Idol by John McGovern
page 129 of 249 (51%)
"OWEN SOUND, Oct. 16.--Cleared--Propeller Africa, merchandise, for
Thunder Bay. Gale blowing, with snow."

Thunder Bay! It is still more incomprehensible.

There is a cry in the streets, hoarse and loud--a triumphant

"Extra! Full account o' de shipwreck o' de Africa! Full account o' de
big shipwreck!"

A white arm reaches from a front door. A dime is paid for two papers.
The door must be held open for light to read.

"Appalling calamity! Unparalleled feat of journalism!"

Hideous it seems to Esther Lockwin. She clings to the newell-post.

"Death, off Cape Croker, of Congressman Lockwin!"

There may be two congressmen of that name.

There may be two! It is a dying hope. Can the eyes cling to the
column long enough to read that paragraph?

"Congressman David Lockwin, of the First Illinois, died of his wounds
about daylight in a yawl off Cape Croker. His body is lost with the

There is a shriek that awakens the household. There is a white form
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