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David Lockwin—The People's Idol by John McGovern
page 14 of 249 (05%)
see to it, that will do!

But Lockwin is the man. This the boss has been at pains to determine.
The marriage has made things clear.

One should study the boss. Why is he king? If we have a democracy how
is it that everybody in office or in hope of office obeys the pontiff?
It is the genius of the people for government. The boss is at a summer
resort near the city.

To him comes Harpwood, and finds the great contractor, the promoter of
the outer docks, the park commissioners, and a half-dozen other great
men already on the ground.

"Harpwood," says the boss, "I am out of politics, particularly in your
district. Yet, if you can carry the primaries, I could help you
considerably. Carry the primaries, me boy, and I'll talk with you
further. See you again. Good-bye."

The next day comes Lockwin.

There are no "me-boys" now. Here is the candidate. He must be put in

"Lockwin, what makes you want to go to Congress?"

"I don't believe I do want to go, but I was told you wished to see me
up here, privately."

"Well, you ought to know whether or not you want to go. Nobody wants
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