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David Lockwin—The People's Idol by John McGovern
page 15 of 249 (06%)
you there if it isn't yourself. Harpwood will go if you don't."

"Yes, I suppose so."

"Well, if you want our support, we must have a pledge from you. I
guess you want to go, and we are willing to put you there for the
unexpired term and the next one. Then are you ready to climb down?
Say the word. The mayor and the senator are out there waiting for me."

"All right. It is a bargain."

"And you won't feel bad when we knock you out, in three years?"

"No. I will probably be glad to come home."

"Very well; we will carry the primaries. But that district needs
watching. Spend lots of money."



There is no chapter on sneezes in "Tristam Shandy." The faithful
Boswell has recorded no sneeze of Dr. Johnson. Spinoza does not reckon
it among the things the citizen may do without offense to a free state.
Montesquieu does not give the Spirit of Sneezing, nor tell how the
ancients sneezed. Pascal, in all his vanities of man, has no thought
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