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David Lockwin—The People's Idol by John McGovern
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win the election.

After all, Lockwin is inclined to smile at the terrors of the evening
before. "I was in need of sleep," he says.

He has not slept since. Why is he so brave now? But brave he is. He
carries an air of happiness all about him. He has left his Davy
talking in his own voice, breathing with perfect freedom and ready to
go to sleep.

The people's idol appears at head-quarters. He tells all the boys of
his good fortune. They open his barrel and become more in hope of the
country than ever before.

The great Corkey appears also at Lockwin's head-quarters. "Hear you've
had sickness." he says. "Sorry, because I guess I've knocked you out
while you was at home. I never like to take an unfair advantage of

"Glad to see you, Mr. Corkey. Go ahead! Nobody happier than me

"He beats me," said Corkey; "but he isn't goin' to be so sweet

"Oh, I'm elected, sure!" Corkey announces on the docks. "Harpwood he
offer me the collectorship of the port if I git down. But I go round
to Lockwin's, and he seem to hope I'd win. He beats _me_."

"Why, he's the machine man, Corkey. You don't expect to beat the
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