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David Lockwin—The People's Idol by John McGovern
page 41 of 249 (16%)

"Cert. All machines is knocked out, some time, ain't they?"

"Not by the marines, Corkey."

"I can lick the man who comes down on these docks to say I'm going to
get the worst of it."

Corkey is accordingly elected, and all hands take a drink at the other
fellow's invitation, for which the great Corkey demands the privilege
of paying. With this prologue the crowds start for the primaries.

"Lockwin, I expect you to stand straight up to the work to-day. You
went back on us a little through the week. I know how sickness is, but
my wife died while I was in charge of one campaign. Politics is
politics. Stand to the work to-day. Nothing's the matter. You've
created a good feeling among the boys. I've got to give the car
company some more streets anyhow. The residents are hot for
facilities. So don't bother about their coming over. They will be
over about three o'clock. Let Corkey have the precincts of the Second
and Third. If he comes further, a-repeating, you folks must fight. He
will vote the gamblers but they will put in vest-pocket tickets for
you. Understand? Got all I said? Give Corkey two wards---if he can
get the sailors up."

Such are the day's injunctions of the political boss. It is only a
special election in one district. It is practically settled already.
The boss has a thousand other matters of equal moment.

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