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David Lockwin—The People's Idol by John McGovern
page 53 of 249 (21%)
And better than the bayonet;
A weapon that comes down as still
As snowflakes fall upon the sod;
But executes a freeman's will
As lightning does the will of God."

The effect is electric.

"Jiminy!" whistles the hungry saloonkeeper, "ain't we lucky we put him
up? I could sell fifty kag if he spoke anywhere in the same block."



"The art of declamation," says Colton, "has been sinking in value from
the moment that speakers were foolish enough to publish and readers
wise enough to read."

All speakers are not foolish enough to publish; all readers are not
wise enough to read. Besides, there is still a distinct art of oratory
which has not lost its hold on the ears of men.

The orator weeps and he thunders. His audience by turns laments and
clamors. But the orator, on the inner side of his spirit, is more
calm. The practice of his wiles has dulled the edge of his feelings.

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