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David Lockwin—The People's Idol by John McGovern
page 54 of 249 (21%)
It may be, therefore, that the orator's art is not honest. Yet who
knows that the painter himself really admires the landscape which, in
his picture, gathers so much fame for him? The interests of the
nation are now to be husbanded in this First Congressional district.
The silvery voice of the gifted orator is to reclaim the wandering or
lagging voter.

The man who has lost faith in the power of the ballot is to be revived
with the stimulus of human speech. It can be done. It is done in
every campaign.

Lockwin is doing it each afternoon and night. Bravely he meets the cry
of "Money and machine." One would think he needed no better text.

But his secret text is Davy. Davy, whose life has been intrusted to
Dr. Floddin, the friend of the poor, the healer who healed the eyes of
the peddling huckster's son's sister, the eyes of the housekeeper's
relatives, and the eyes of Davy himself.

The orator's speech may be impassioned, but he is thinking of Davy.

The orator may be infusing the noblest of patriotism in his hearers'
hearts, but often he hardly knows what he is saying.

At a telling point he stops to think of Davy.

The hearer confesses that the question is unanswered.

Is Davy safe? Of course. "Then, my fellow-citizens, behold the superb
rank of America among nations!" [Cheers.]
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