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David Lockwin—The People's Idol by John McGovern
page 61 of 249 (24%)


Yes, this is distinctly happy--this night at home, in the chamber after
the music, with Davy to sleep over here, too.

"There, Davy," urges Esther, "you have romped and romped. You have not
slept a wink to-day. It is far too late for children to be up, David.
I only took down the stove to-day, for fear we might need it."

But it is difficult to moderate the spirits of the boy. He is playing
all sorts of pranks with his father. The little lungs come near the
man's ear. There is a whistling sound.

The north wind has blown for two weeks. It is howling now outside the

"Pshaw!" the man laughs, "it is that cut-throat wind!"

For orators dislike the north wind.

"Pshaw! Esther!" he repeats, "I mistook the moaning of the wind in the
chimney." But he is pale at the thought.

"I hardly think you did, David. I can hear him wheeze over here."

"You can! Come here, Davy." But the child must be caught. His eyes
flash. He is all spirit. His laugh grows hoarse.

"How stupid I am," thinks the man. He seizes the arch boy and clasps
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