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David Lockwin—The People's Idol by John McGovern
page 62 of 249 (24%)
him in his arms.

Then Lockwin takes that white and tiny wrist. He pulls his watch. In
five seconds he has fifteen beats. Impossible! Wait a few minutes.

"Sit still for papa. Please, Davy."

The indefinable message is transmitted from the man's heart to the
child's. The child is still. The animation is gone.

Now, again. The watch goes so slowly. Is it going at all? Let us see
about that.

The watch is put to ear. Yes, it is going fast enough now. Of course
it is going. Is it not a Jurgensen of the costliest brand? Well,
then, we will count a full minute.

"Hold still, Davy, pet."

What is Congress and President now, as the wheeze settles on this
child, and the north wind batters at the windows?

The man looks for help to Esther. "Esther," he says, "I have counted
140 pulsations."

"Is that bad for a child, David? I guess not."

"I am probably mistaken. I will try again."

The child lays the curly head against Lockwin's breast. The full
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