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David Lockwin—The People's Idol by John McGovern
page 79 of 249 (31%)



It is a month after the election. Lockwin has been out of bed for a

"You astound me!" cries Dr. Tarpion.

The doctor is just back from his mine in Mexico. The doctor has
climbed the volcano of Popocatapetl. His six-story hotel in Chicago is
leased on a bond for five years. He has a nugget of gold from his
mine. His health is capital. He is at the mental and physical
antipodes of his friend. Talk of Mexican summer resorts and Chicago
real estate is to the doctor's taste. He is not prepared for Lockwin's

"Your Davy, my poor fellow, had no constitution. Mind you, I do not
say he would have died had I remained at my office. I do not say that.
Of course, it was highly important that his stomach should be
preserved. You fell in the hands of a Dr. Flod--let me see our list.
Why, by heavens! his name is not down at all!"

Dr. Floddin's name is not in the medical peerage. Dr. Floddin,
therefore, does not exist.

"Well, David, let us speak of it no more. You were entrapped. How
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