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David Lockwin—The People's Idol by John McGovern
page 80 of 249 (32%)
about this Congress? I tell you that you must go. You must do exactly
as our leader directs."

Lockwin is elected, and he is not. He received the most votes, but
great frauds were openly perpetrated. Without the false votes Corkey
would have been elected. There is to be a contest in the lower House.
The majority of the party in the House is only three, with two
republicans on sick beds in close districts.

Interest in the Chicago affair is overshadowing. The President's
private secretary has commissioned the Chicago political boss to fix it

Corkey is an unknown factor. The boss assures the administration that
the district would be lost if Corkey should win.

What does Corkey want?

"I was elected," says Corkey.

"You don't carry the papers," answers the boss.

"I just made you fellers screw your nut for 2,000 crooked votes," says

"None of your sailors had the right to vote," says the boss. "Now,
here, Corkey, you are going to lose that certificate. It doesn't
belong to you, and we've got the House. Here's a telegram from a high
source: 'Lockwin must get the election at all hazards. See Corkey.'
I'll tell you what you do. You and Lockwin go on and see the
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