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David Lockwin—The People's Idol by John McGovern
page 81 of 249 (32%)

"That will never do," says Corkey. "But I'll tell you what I will do."

"Go on."

"Do you know I've a notion that Lockwin ain't goin' to serve. If he
resigns, I want it. If he catches on, all right. I want him or you to
get me collector of the port. You hear me? Collector of the port.
His nobs, this collector we have now--he must get out, I don't care
how. But he must sherry. I can't fool with these sailors. If they
see me trading with Lockwin they will swear I sell out. See? Well, I
want to see Lockwin, just the same. Now, I'll tell you what I'll do:
You Send Lockwin to Washington to explain the situation. Get in
writing what is to be done. Don't let there be any foolin' on that
point. Tell Lockwin to return by the way of Canada, and get to Owen
Sound. I know a way home that will leave us alone for two days or
more. In that time I can tell what I'll do."

"All right; Lockwin shall go."

"I'll give it out that I've gone to Duluth for the newspaper. But I've
no use for newspapers no more. It's collector or Congress, sure.
Don't attempt no smart plays. Tell that to the jam-jorum at
Washington. If they want me to take down my contest and cover up the
hole you ballot-box-stuffers is in here at home, let 'em fix _me_."

"All right."

"It's all right if Lockwin meets me at Owen Sound. I've got the
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