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Young Folks Treasury, Volume 2 (of 12) by Various
page 124 of 718 (17%)
for the nursery. I believe that my old nurse Hela would be more than a
match for you. Here, Hela, come and wrestle with the mighty god Thor."

And Utgarda Loke laughed disdainfully.

Forth stepped a decrepit old woman, with lank cheeks and toothless
jaws. Her eyes were sunken, her brow furrowed, and her scanty locks
were white as snow.

She advanced towards Thor, and tried to throw him to the ground;
but though he put forth his whole strength to withstand her, he was
surprised to find how powerful she was, and that it needed all his
efforts to keep his feet. For a long time he was successful, but at
length she brought him down upon one knee, and Thor was obliged to
acknowledge himself conquered.

Ashamed and mortified, he and his companions withdrew to a lodging
for the night, and in the morning were making ready to leave the city
quietly, when Utgarda Loke sent for them.

He made them a splendid feast, and afterwards went with them beyond
the city gates.

"Now tell me honestly," said he to Thor, "what do you think of your

"I am beyond measure astounded and ashamed," replied the god.

"Ha! ha!" laughed Utgarda Loke. "I knew that you were. However, as
we are well out of the city I don't mind telling you a secret or two.
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