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Young Folks Treasury, Volume 2 (of 12) by Various
page 125 of 718 (17%)
Doubtless you will receive a little comfort from my doing so, as you
confess that your coming hither has been to no purpose.

"In the first place, you have been deceived by enchantments ever since
you came within the borders of Jötunheim. I am the giant you met with
on your way hither, and if I had known as much of your power then as
I do now, you would never have found your way within the walls of

"Certainly I had had some slight experience of it, for the three blows
you gave me would have killed me had they fallen upon me. But it was
not I, but a huge mountain that you struck at; and if you visit it
again, you will find three valleys cleft in the rocks by the strokes
of your hammer.

"As for the wallet, I had fastened it with a magic chain, so that you
need not wonder that you could not open it.

"Loge, with whom Loki strove, was no courtier, but a subtle devouring
flame that consumed all before it."

Here Loki uttered an exclamation of delight, but Thor bade him be
silent, and Utgarda Loke went on:

"Thialfe's enemy was Hugr, or Thought, and let man work away as hard
as he pleases, Thought will still outrun him.

"As for yourself, the end of the drinking-horn, though you did not see
it, reached the sea, and as fast as you emptied it, it filled again,
so that you never could have drained it dry. But the next time that
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