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Young Folks Treasury, Volume 2 (of 12) by Various
page 126 of 718 (17%)
you stand upon the seashore, you will find how much less the ocean is
by your draughts.

"The gray cat was no cat, but the great Serpent of Midgard, that
twines round the world, and you lifted him so high that we were all
quite frightened.

"But your last feat was the most wonderful of all, for Hela was none
other than Death. And never did I see any one before over whom Death
had so little power.

"And now, my friend, go your way, and don't come near my city again,
for I tell you plainly I do not want you there, and I shall use all
kinds of enchantment to keep you out of it."

As he ended his speech, Thor raised his hammer, but Utgarda Loke had

"I will return to the city, and be avenged," said Thor.

But lo! the giant city was nowhere to be seen. A fair pasture-land
spread itself out around him, and through its midst a broad river
flowed peacefully along.

So Thor and his companions, musing upon their wonderful adventures,
turned their steps homewards.

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