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A Review of the Resources and Industries of the State of Washington, 1909 by Ithamar Howell
page 10 of 198 (05%)
[Illustration: Plate No. 5.--View of Harbor, Aberdeen, Chehalis

[Illustration: Plate No. 6.--Limb Cut from a Chelan County Peach

[Illustration: Plate No. 7.--Six-Year-Old Winesap Apple Tree on
Farm of Blackmont Bros., Chelan County.]

[Illustration: Plate No. 8.--Farm of Wm. Turner, Chelan County.
From Sage Brush to Bearing Orchard, Showing How Living Is Made
While Orchard Is Coming Into Bearing.]


From British Columbia to the majestic Columbia river and from the
Cascade mountains westward to the ocean a vast forest of magnificent
timber stretches out over mountain and hill and valley, covering
the whole landscape of western Washington in a mantle of living
green. The majestic fir trees, which, as small evergreens, adorn
the lawns of other climes, here stretch their ancient heads 300
feet heavenward and give the logger a chance to stand upon his
springboard and, leaving a fifteen foot stump, cut off a log 100
feet in length and 7 feet in diameter free from limbs or knots. Side
by side with these giants of fir are other giants of cedar, hemlock
and spruce crowded in groups, sometimes all alike and sometimes
promiscuously mingled, which offer to the logger often 50,000 feet
of lumber from an acre of ground.

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