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A Review of the Resources and Industries of the State of Washington, 1909 by Ithamar Howell
page 11 of 198 (05%)
But these great forests of western Washington are not all the forests
within the state. The eastern slope of the Cascade mountains well
down toward the lands of the valleys is mostly covered with timber.
A belt from 30 to 50 miles wide stretching clear across the north
boundary of eastern Washington is mostly a forest, while a large
area in the southeastern corner of the state, probably 24 miles
square, is also forest covered.

To estimate the amount of timber which can be cut from these vast
forest areas is difficult; estimates are not accurate, yet it is
probable that the lumber made will in time far exceed any estimate
yet placed upon this chief source of the wealth of the State of
Washington. Of the fir the estimate has been made that shows still
standing enough timber to make 120 billion feet; for the cedar the
estimate is 25 billion feet, while the same amount of 25 billion
feet is credited to hemlock; 12 billion feet of spruce are claimed,
12 billion feet of yellow pine and probably 6 billion feet of other
woods, including maple, alder, oak, yew, ash and many others, together
forming the great mass of 200 billion feet of lumber. Where forest
areas are cut off, the
[Page 10]
sun and air at once start to life seeds which lie dormant in the
shade and a new crop at once starts and the old ground is in a
few years reforested in nature's prodigal way, a thousand seeds
sprouting and growing where only one giant can ultimately stand.

Of these timbers, the fir, largest in quantity, is also largest
in usefulness. For bridge work, shipbuilding, the construction of
houses, etc. it is unsurpassed. Cedar is lighter and more easily
worked and for shingles chiefly and many other special uses is
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