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A Review of the Resources and Industries of the State of Washington, 1909 by Ithamar Howell
page 13 of 198 (06%)
and other metals.

[Page 11]
The fixed carbon of the coal ranges from 48 to 65 per cent. and
the total values in carbon from 64 to 80 per cent. and the ash
from 3 to 17 per cent. The coal measures underlie probably the
great bulk of the foothills on both sides of the Cascades and some
of the Olympics, the Blue mountains of the southeast and some of
the low mountains in the northeastern part of the state.

Besides these coals already mentioned, it is known that veins of
anthracite coal exist in the western part of Lewis county, the
extent and value of which have not been fully determined, and, owing
to the absence of transportation, are not on the market.


The general topography of the state suggests at once the probability
of deposits of ores of the precious metals, and the cursory prospecting
already done justifies the outlook. Practically the entire mountain
regions are enticing fields for the prospector. Substantial rewards
have already been realized by many who have chanced the hardships,
and there are now in operation many mining enterprises which are
yearly adding a substantial sum to the output of the wealth of
the state. The ores occur chiefly in veins of low grade and great
width and known as base on account of the presence of sulphur,
arsenic and other elements compelling the ores to be roasted before

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