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A Review of the Resources and Industries of the State of Washington, 1909 by Ithamar Howell
page 14 of 198 (07%)
There are, however, some high grade ores in narrow fissures and in
a few localities free milling ores and placer deposits are found.
In most cases the free milling ores are the result of oxidation and
will be found to be base as water level is reached in the mining

Mining of precious metals is being prosecuted in Whatcom, Skagit,
Snohomish, King, Pierce, Lewis, Skamania, Cowlitz, Okanogan, Chelan,
Kittitas, Yakima, Klickitat, Ferry and Stevens counties.

Of the metals the mines of the state are producing gold, silver,
lead, copper, quicksilver, zinc, arsenic, antimony, molybdenum,
[Page 12]
nickel, cobalt, tungsten, titanium, bismuth, sulphur, selenium,
tellurium, tin and platinum.

There are also iron mines, and quarries of marble, granite, onyx,
serpentine, limestone and sandstone--beds of fire clay, kaolin,
fire and potter's clays, talc and asbestos and many prospects of

Mining is suffering for the lack of transportation for the low
grade ores, but prospects are excellent for relief in this regard in
the near future. The era of wildcat exploitation has been relegated
to the past and legitimate mining is now getting a firmer hold
in the state, and we look for results within the next five years
which will astonish many who think themselves well informed.

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