The Great Round World And What Is Going On In It, Vol. 1. No. 23, April 15, 1897 - A Weekly Magazine for Boys and Girls by Various
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page 2 of 37 (05%)
GREAT ROUND WORLD, 3 and 5 West 18th Street, . . . . . . New York City. * * * * * A great deal is expected of the teachers in our public schools at the present day in the way of keeping the pupils conversant with the political and scientific questions of the day. While this is as it should be, we believe that if parents would look well to the quality of reading-matter placed before their children better results would be obtained from the teachers' efforts in this line. THE GREAT ROUND WORLD, AND WHAT IS GOING ON IN IT, is the name of a newspaper for children, and without exception it is the finest one of its kind ever published. It comes in magazine form, and is overflowing with interesting subjects written in such a bright and yet simple manner that the whole household unwittingly becomes interested in it.--_Omer, Mich., Progress, Jan. 8, 1897._ * * * * * =THE · FIRST · BOUND · VOLUME= OF ="The Great Round World"= (Containing Nos. 1 to 15) IS NOW READY. |