The Great Round World And What Is Going On In It, Vol. 1. No. 23, April 15, 1897 - A Weekly Magazine for Boys and Girls by Various
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Handsomely bound in strong cloth, with title on side and back. Price, postage paid, $1.25. Subscribers may exchange their numbers by sending them to us (express paid) with 35 cents to cover cost of binding, and 10 cents for return carriage. Address =_3 sad 5 West 18th Street,- - - -New York City._= * * * * * TWO EASY WAYS TO GET "The Great Round World." * * * * * =SEND IN YOUR SCHOOL-BOOKS--THE ONES YOU ARE NO LONGER USING.= A great many boys and girls cannot buy new books, and are very glad to get the used copies at a lower price. A list of prices that will be allowed is given in Number 4 of GREAT ROUND WORLD. =GET TWO OTHER SUBSCRIBERS.= We will send free, for one year, THE GREAT ROUND WORLD to any boy or girl who will send in two other subscriptions, with the amount ($5.00). =Subscription Price, per Year, $2.50.= * * * * * |