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Captivity by M. Leonora Eyles
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Author of _Margaret Protests_


TO E. J. R-S.

You have often said that you could never write a book. You have written
this one just as surely as Beatrice wrote the Vita Nuova for Dante.
Until I talked with you I did not know that our lives are the pathway
for God's feet; I had not realized that Trinity of body, brain and
spirit; and it had never come to me before how, for each other's sake,
we must set a censor, very strong and austere, upon our secret thoughts.
I have learnt these things from you; the gold of your thoughts has
passed through the crucible of my experience to make a book. Perhaps a
little of the gold has been left clinging to the crucible--and for that
I have to thank you, my dear.

Margaret Leonora Eyles.
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